What can you expect from the Pregnancy Loss Special?
As you read these lines, you may be in a phase where you're seeking support and answers. Pregnancy loss is a personal and often silent topic, but one that affects many. We want to provide you with the information you need right now.
Bleeding during pregnancy can be a cause for concern. Here, you'll find information about possible causes and the steps that should be taken.
Experiencing a pregnancy loss can be very challenging. We explain the causes and what you can do to reduce the risk of another pregnancy loss, whether you've had one or multiple losses.
We assist you in navigating through the jungle of medical terms related to pregnancy loss.
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We provide a rapid, guideline-compliant diagnosis with individual, personal care by experienced reproductive medicine specialists.
Understand, process, prevent

A pregnancy loss is more than a loss – it is a profound event in the lives of expectant parents. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as the loss of a pregnancy from conception until the 24th week of pregnancy or when the fetus weighs less than 500 g. In medical terms, it is also referred to as a "spontaneous abortion."

We distinguish between early and late pregnancy losses. Early pregnancy losses occurring before the 12th week constitute the majority of all pregnancy losses. Late pregnancy losses between the 12th and 24th weeks are rarer but often emotionally more challenging for the affected couples.

The diagnosis of "recurrent pregnancy losses" is made when three or more consecutive pregnancy losses occur. In such cases, it is crucial to identify and treat possible causes through comprehensive diagnostics. In current medical guidelines, such diagnostics are recommended in some cases even after two pregnancy losses.

At Fertia, we specialize not only in diagnostics but also in offering individually tailored treatment options. Our goal is to place you and your needs at the forefront, paving the way for a successful pregnancy.
Jungle of terms
There are various terms representing diagnoses related to pregnancy loss, each describing specific situations that might sound familiar to you (you can find more terms in our glossary "Understanding Your Doctor's Letter"):
In this case, the fetus has stopped growing and living, but the body does not initiate spontaneous bleeding. The diagnosis is often made through ultrasound. The treatment may involve watchful waiting, medical intervention, or a surgical procedure (suction aspiration/dilation and curettage). Your treating doctor will discuss the best approach with you individually.
In this case, the entire embryonic or fetal tissue, as well as the placenta and membranes, is completely expelled from the uterus. No further treatment is necessary.
Fetal and placental tissue is not completely expelled. Additional treatment is required, but sometimes waiting may also be an option. The course of action depends on various factors: presence of pain, heavy bleeding, and the time elapsed since the pregnancy loss.
Signs indicate an impending pregnancy loss, such as vaginal bleeding, but the cervix is still closed, and the fetus is alive. German, Danish, and English guidelines recommend progesterone therapy for women with a history of pregnancy losses to support the pregnancy. Your doctor will discuss this treatment option with you and assess its suitability in your case. Whether physical rest in the form of bed rest is beneficial is not conclusively established by studies. Overall, it is recommended to take it easy, but not necessarily adhere to bed rest. If you undergo diagnostics at Fertia, you will receive therapy recommendations that can serve as a guide in case of a subsequent pregnancy.
In this case, the process of a pregnancy loss has already begun, often with the opening of the cervix, but the fetus and placenta have not been expelled yet.
The causes for pregnancy losses are diverse and can include genetic variations, hormonal imbalances, issues with the placenta, or even immunological factors. In many cases, however, the exact cause remains unexplained. It's important to raise awareness that pregnancy losses are not always preventable and very rarely attributed to the mother's behavior. This point is crucial because many affected couples grapple with feelings of guilt. Despite the frequency of pregnancy losses in medical terms, the topic often remains taboo, adding to the emotional burden for those affected. Therefore, here you should find information and support, and possibly even initiate diagnostics if needed!
The unexpectedly high
frequency of pregnancy losses
The frequency of pregnancy losses is surprisingly high, estimated at approximately 10-20% of all recognized pregnancies. This statistic only includes pregnancies that have been medically confirmed; the actual number is likely much higher. Pregnancy losses are most common, especially in early pregnancy, before the 12th week.

The risk varies in different weeks of pregnancy (link to graphic below), decreasing from 6-10% in the 6th week of pregnancy to about 2% in the 12th week. After the 12th week, the risk of pregnancy loss is less than 1%—meaning 99% of pregnancies that are intact in the 12th week do not end in a pregnancy loss!
It's important to note that these numbers are general estimates and can be influenced by various factors, such as the mother's age, the presence of chronic diseases, the quality of prenatal care, and other individual health factors.

Overcoming the taboo and offering support
The high frequency of pregnancy losses highlights the essential need for open conversations and access to both medical and psychological support. The goal is to create a space for exchange and provide medical as well as psychological assistance. That's precisely what we aim to achieve here with you!